Western Friend Podcast
Welcome to the Western Friend Podcast, an official publication of Quakers in Pacific, North Pacific, and Intermountain Yearly Meetings. Teaming up with partners like Jonathan Stoll and colin cole of Soul Force Ones, Western Friend Podcast explores questions of faith, purpose, and practice.(Visit Soul Force Ones at: https://www.soulforceones.com/) And grab your calendar! Follow this weblink to join a follow-up conversation about each podcast: https://westernfriend.org/western-friend-podcast
Western Friend Podcast
11. Molly Wingate and Lucretia Humphrey: Living as Quakers in "Military Towns"
Episode 11 of the Western Friend Podcast features a conversation with two recent presiding clerks of Western yearly meetings – Molly Wingate of Intermountain Yearly Meeting (IMYM) and Lucretia Humphrey of North Pacific Yearly Meeting (NPYM) – as they discuss experiences and insights they have gained through decades of living as Quakers in "military towns" -- Colorado Springs, CO, and Great Falls, MT.
They share about their experiences finding belonging, confronting stereotypes in their surroundings, some the challenges of living/working in military communities, growth and tools for healing, and much more.