Western Friend Podcast
Welcome to the Western Friend Podcast, an official publication of Quakers in Pacific, North Pacific, and Intermountain Yearly Meetings. Teaming up with partners like Jonathan Stoll and colin cole of Soul Force Ones, Western Friend Podcast explores questions of faith, purpose, and practice.(Visit Soul Force Ones at: https://www.soulforceones.com/) And grab your calendar! Follow this weblink to join a follow-up conversation about each podcast: https://westernfriend.org/western-friend-podcast
Western Friend Podcast
21. Panel Discussion - Quaker Leadership of the Future
Mary Klein
Episode 21 brings something new to the Western Friend Podcast! This is a panel discussion from a workshop on the topic of "Quaker Leadership of the Future." Following the panel and the open forum where panelists engaged each other in conversation, the Soul Force Ones add a 15 minute remix, where the hosts delve into the notion of non-theist Quakerism and how to bring folks into community.
This episodes panel included:
- Folks who support leaders of the future in our yearly meetings:
- IMYM – Erin Bates, Assistant to the Yearly Meeting
- IMYM = Intermountain Yearly Meeting
- NPYM — Paul Christiansen, Rising Clerk of the Yearly Meeting
- NPYM = North Pacific Yearly Meeting
- PacYM — Alma Moon, Co-Clerk of Young Adult Meeting
- PacYM = Pacific Yearly Meeting
- SCYMF — Erin Wilson, Coordinating Committee and Safeguarding Committee for the yearly meeting
- SCYMF = Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends
- IMYM – Erin Bates, Assistant to the Yearly Meeting
- Folks employed by Quaker organizations to support leaders of the future:
- AFSC – Julian Andaya, Director of AFSC's Emerging Leaders for Liberation Program
- AFSC = American Friends Service Committee
- FCNL — Larissa Gil-Sanhueza, Senior Manager of FNCL’s Young Adult Program
- FCNL = Friends Committee on National Legislation
- QVS — Woody Logan-Wood, City Coordinator for the QVS Portland Program
- QVS = Quaker Voluntary Service
- AFSC – Julian Andaya, Director of AFSC's Emerging Leaders for Liberation Program